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Hello! I am burntscarr. I was a part of Chaotic several years ago and eventually didn’t play as often when the server had a far less player count. I was at one time staff, although admittedly too naive to be so back then. I had a lot of fun and gained a lot of experience after being staff. Today I rarely open the MC launcher. I’ve been working on music related side projects, but I am most definitely awaiting the arrival of this reset! I hope it blows up Chaotic to how it used to be with so many players online we would have truly endless possibilities. I miss the good old days of mindless mining with a chat box and several mini games to choose from. I wasn’t into PVP but I’m sure many miss that too.

If you’d like to check out any of my music related side projects I list them at https://burnt.link/

Introduction over 2 years ago
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