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Chaotic Prison Server Rules
KittTea Community Manager
15 posts
10 topics
IGN: KittTea
over 3 years ago



The staff can still take action when necessary even if something isn’t explicitly mentioned in the rules. Don’t argue with their decisions. If you have a complaint about a punishment, please use the Punishment Appeal under the Application and Appeals tab on the forums.

Rules are set in place to ensure the fun of ALL players.
Any form of punishment evasion will escalate to a higher punishment.

NOTE: Punishments are given at staff discretion. Each staff member may punish differently for a select offense. This is a “guideline” of the punishments to expect if the rules are broken. Rules and punishments are subject to change at any point in time.



Staff Have FINAL Say

  •  If you feel your punishment is unfair or an abuse of power, please make a forum post in Punishment Appeal under the Application and Appeals tab [Here].


Respect All Players Including Staff  

  • Use common sense when speaking to players on the server or in the Discord
  • Treat others how you wish to be treated. 


 Do Not Hack, Exploit, Or Cheat In Anyway

  • Use of a modified client or mod to gain any unfair advantage will result in a ban depending on severity. 
  • Included in this is AFK Mining/Block Farming. 


No Racism, Homophobic Slurs, Derogatory Terms, Harassment, Or Threats Of Any Kind.

  • Be mindful of your words. 
  • Avoid sensitive topics - like politics, religion, race, or sexuality - in public chats.  
  • LIST OF UNALLOWED WORDS: N word, R word, F slur, KY$, or anything related.
  • Threats of any kind include threats of D-Dosing, Doxing, or real life harm. Each of these threats will be taken seriously.


No Scamming In Any Way

  • Don’t scam any other players of any ingame items or real life items. 


No Spamming, Advertising, Excessive Caps, And Excessive Swearing

  • Minimize the use of /me to once every two minutes (to keep chat easy to read)
  • Refrain from spamming messages in chat, you most likely do not need to spam the same message more than once.
  • Do not create fake versions of items to sell for profit. (EX: making a tripwire hook named to “ULTRA | CRATE | KEY”)


Do Not Use An Alternative Account To Avoid Punishment  

  • If you feel your punishment is unfair or an abuse of power, please make a ticket [Here]
  • If caught using another account while you’re punished, all accounts in question will be punished more severely and longer.


No Sharing Minecraft Accounts With Other Users

  • All parties involved with the sharing of accounts will be punished accordingly and will receive equal punishment.  


Do Not Impersonate A Staff Member  

  • The staff team is here to help take care of problems. When a user is impersonating them and a player thinks they are real it may cause more problems than the original. Impersonating them will not help anyone.
  • Do not claim to be a staff member if you are not. 


Do Not Trade In Game Items For Anything Other Than OOTH’s Or Anything Else In Game (Builds, Money, Items)

  • All parties involved in the trade (for anything outside of Chaotic) will be punished severely. 
  • This rule also includes No Cross Server Trading. Trading an item on Chaotic for one on another server is prohibited and will result in the punishment above. 


Follow The Loan Rules

  • Use /loans in game for a more in-depth list of rules for loans. 
  • Make sure to document any loans given/received via screenshots or recording. 
  • Do not gamble loan money. 


Do Not Bypass Chat Filters  

  • Changing a word or letter in a blocked word that is filtered out with the chat filter will result in severe punishment.


Do Not Advertise

  • Do not mention other server names (Hypixel & Mineplex excluded), IP’s, or Discord servers.
  • Do not advertise your YouTube channel/Twitch stream link in chat. Feel free to let people know you are streaming Chaotic, but no links.)
  • This rule also applies to Direct Messages (DMS) in Discord. If found advertising in Discord DM’s you will be banned from the Chaotic Discord and Minecraft server.


Do Not Appeal A Punishment For Another User

  • Appealing for another user will be denied instantly. Your punishment is between you and the staff, not any other person.


No Sharing Minecraft Accounts With Other Users

  • All parties involved with the sharing of accounts will be punished accordingly and will receive equal punishment. 


Inappropriate Builds

  • Building anything inappropriate on your plot is not allowed and will be removed as well as the user being punished. 
  • Building these builds in a build competition may result in harsher punishment.


If you have any questions regarding these rules, feel free to reach out to any staff member! We are more than happy to clear up any confusion you may have.


Last edited: over 2 years ago 👍 x 4 | x 1